Gaminger Initiative Europe (GIE)

The Gaminger Initiative Europe (GIE) is an international non-governmental non-profit association of national associations of reserve officers and soldiers of the countries

  • Albania
  • Croatia,
  • Czech Republic,
  • Federal Republic of Germany,
  • Hungary,
  • Italy,
  • Moldova,
  • North Macedonia,
  • Poland,
  • Romania,
  • Slovenia and
  • Slovak Republic,
  • Swiss Confederation.


This community was formally founded on May 28, 1995, but is has its origins in the Gaming talks held since 1989 in Gaming, a charming small Austrian village where the representatives of general staffs of Armies of the Federal Republic of Germany, Austria, Italy and Switzerland gathered together to give impetus to mutual consultations among military forces after the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact when European countries began to be more interested in social, military, institutional and international aspects of formerly hostile countries.
The military units of the reserve officers and soldiers were deemed to be the most appropriate actors of such consultations since they are firmly integrated into military and social context of the States, they are opened to a dialogue and they are much less bound by the political and military rules and procedures.


Thus, the Gaminger Initiative was working as a valuable instrument of military diplomacy, parallel to the long and complicated official discussions of military staff providing a flexible and unofficial source of information that is fully integrated into society and recognized by the national defense ministries.

In 2002, the Gaminger Initiative signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the CIOR – „Confédération Interalliée des Officiers de Réserve“ welcoming Reserve officers of NATO. However, while working closely, both organizations are independent and autonomous in their respective spheres of competence.

Focus on European security

Since 2004, the Gaminger Initiative (GI) is focusing more on European security policy and military affairs. Because of this the name of organisation from Geminger Initiative changed to Gaminger Initiative Europe (GIE) since 2024.

At present, when we witness the rise in international tension, rise in nationalism and growth of new international threats, such as international terrorism, cybernetic criminality and mass international migration, the Gaminger Initiative Europe concentrates on the strengthening of capacity of national military and civil organizations to effectively face these threats.

The Presidency of the Gaminger Initiative Europe organizes twice a year conferences GAMING I and GAMING II, all the time under the auspices of one member country.

Contact us

Do you need more information or have questions? Contact us.